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Tel: 07979 151198
REFURBISHMENT & MAINTENANCEAgricultural Water Engineers are very experienced in refurbishing old private water systems, bringing them up to meet the requirements of the 2010 water regulations. We work closely with the local environmental health office to agree the works needed to be carried out, in order to meet the required regulation. We are able to write your Method statements and risk assessment for your water system. These are required under the 2010 water regulations. We will also carry out any upgrading of the system to meet the new regulations. One of the main contamination points of a private water system is the reservoir. we are fully equipped to Drain clean and chemically clean, refill and re flush. We Install new airtight inspection covers complete with locks, render and making good any damage to the lining of the reservoir. Cleaning off any other growth around the reservoir and removing build up of soil from the roofs is also work we undertake for our clients. We usually install rabbit netting around the roof to stop them digging into the bank of the reservoir as well as Installing mesh covers over the air vents to stop insects and other small animals entering. Boreholes. One of the main problems of contamination is surface water running down into the borehole. Many farm boreholes were installed during the 30’s and -40’s with old rod pumps which have been removed and newer electrical pumps installed but the head of the borehole maybe up to 1.2 meters below the surface allowing contaminated surface water to collect in the old pump chamber and drain down the borehole. Most are not sealed and require a section of new case to be fitted complete with a flanged well head. We install this 300mm above ground level to stop any surface water being able to enter the borehole. Disinfection of pipe work. Old steel and cast pipe work can cause problems as bacteria will grow behind the rust in the pipe work and may become a problem to kill. Pipe work may need to be upgraded to plastic, due to more damage in the system with houses using more water.
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Matt Barrett and Agricultural Water Engineers have carried out substantial upgrading works to our private water supply over the past two years. The level of service we have received has been exemplary. Work was carried out on time and on budget with all desired results achieved. Matt continues to maintain our equipment and are on call for sudden emergencies, one such emergency happened when our water main was cut by our farm digger causing a loss of water to a number of houses, office units and livestock supplies. Matt and his team were on site within 2 hours and water resumed within 4. |